Protecting the Environment for Generations to Come.
We take our commitment to the environment very seriously. From the management members to the foundry workers making the pipe, every member of McWane plays a part in our company’s approach to environmental and safety issues. Our approach to environmental and safety issues starts with a clear vision from our leaders. It is supported by strong policies that place the environment and safety at the core of the business and through a substantial investment in state-of-the-art environmental technologies and modern infrastructure.
At McWane, protecting the environment and our employees' health and safety is one of our highest priorities. Our environmental, health, and safety management system is designed to provide an organized and consistent approach to achieving this objective and assuring continuous improvement.
Jeet Radia, Senior Vice President Environment, Safety & Human Resources

McWane addresses the unique environmental and safety challenges faced by our industry with a comprehensive Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) management system based on the principles of the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) 14001 standard, Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) 18001 and OSHA Management Guidelines. ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized specification for environmental management systems. Our EHS management system allows us to manufacture our products in an environmentally-compliant and -friendly way and provide communities with a foundation for life with clean, safe, and dependable drinking water.
Our product is also environmentally friendly, as every piece of McWane Ductile pipe is made from up to 98 percent scrap metal.
In addition to producing environmentally beneficial products, we have developed ways to make our facilities more environmentally-compliant and friendly. McWane’s environmental team has spearheaded company-wide initiatives to examine our manufacturing processes and look for ways to improve recycling, reuse opportunities, and reduce environmental impacts. We are also exploring ways to incorporate green building principles into future EHS capital improvements to reduce our environmental footprint further.
All McWane facilities have implemented environmental practices that, in many instances, exceed U.S. standards, producing a performance that is among the best of the industries in which we operate. We improve our performance every day so that we help protect our environment for generations to come.