Permaloy™ Pipe

Permaloy™ Abrasion Resistant Pipe is a type of alloyed centrifugally cast Ductile iron pipe that provides excellent abrasion resistance for the hydraulic or pneumatic conveyance of fly and bottom ash, mine tailings, sewage, and other abrasive materials.
Permaloy I is made of tin, copper, and chrome alloy, with a minimum Brinell hardness of 280 at the inside diameter and approximately 400 at the outside diameter.
Permaloy II is made of nickel, molybdenum, and chrome alloy, with a minimum Brinell hardness of 475 at the inside diameter and approximately 550 at the outside diameter. Both Permaloy I and II pipes are designed to have a thick wall and a high Brinell hardness inside diameter, which progressively increases toward the outer diameter. This design feature allows the product to continually develop resistance to wear over its service life.