McWane Ductile - Ohio donates items to local schools

This past summer, the McWane Ductile – Ohio (MDO) Wellness Committee hosted a 5K event to raise money for their community. With 150 participants, the committee raised $2,000.
Recently, it was decided that these funds would help purchase various items for schools in the Coshocton community. MDO Plant Nurse Teresa Fowler communicated with school nurses in the area, inquiring what items were needed this school year. The team was able to donate an assortment of toiletries, sweatpants, socks and bookbags.
Team members from MDO, lead by the MDO Wellness Committee, also participated in a canned food drive. To encourage participation through friendly competition, five teams competed to bring in the most money/cans for two local charities.
The maintenance team came in first place, raising $619, earning themselves a pizza party to be scheduled in the new year.
The MDO Wellness Committe collected over $1170 in total from the competition. With the money, MDO committee members and employees shopped a local grocery store to supply two pickup truck loads with non-perishable food for the local Salvation Army and Shepherd's Christian Assembly.