Sales and marketing recruits attend advanced product training

The newest sales and marketing recruits from McWane Ductile (MD) and Clow Canada recently gathered at the MD foundry in Provo, Utah, to participate in the first round of advanced product training. This training included a plant tour and extensive classroom-style discussions led by MD Regional Engineers Roy Mundy, John Johnson, and John Simpson.
“I learned quite a bit, and one of the best things about getting together like this is exchanging ideas and conversations with your peers around various topics. There’s almost always someone within the company that has experienced whatever you may be facing that can offer their perspective and assistance.”
Chris Howe, MD Sales Rep for Utah & Colorado
The second round of training is scheduled for mid-November at the MD foundry in Coshocton, Ohio and new team members will get their hands dirty working with products and installing pipe. Led by expert National Product Engineers Jerry Regula and Ken Rickvalsky, this instruction will provide some practical experience that will help us better serve our customers.