Bibby-Ste-Croix Celebrates Centennial
ST-CROIX, QUEBEC, CANADA, January 13, 2021 – Bibby-Ste-Croix is observing their centennial anniversary. This year marks a time to celebrate and thank all customers, suppliers, and team members for their support. The company has two foundry locations; Foundry Laperle in St. Ours, Quebec which is the largest Canadian manufacturer of municipal road castings including; manhole covers, Canadian valve boxes, waterworks fittings and tree grates, and Foundry Ste-Croix in Ste-Croix, Quebec where cast iron drain, waste, and vent (DWV) pipe is manufactured for plumbing systems.
“As we celebrate our first 100 years, it is truly gratifying to be surrounded by many of those who played such a significant role in the company’s success” said Tom Leonard, President of Bibby-Ste-Croix. “Manufacturing has been the cornerstone of the Canadian economy. I commend our hard-working team members for their dedication and commitment to the company.”
In the beginning, Bibby-Ste-Croix was only a small, local concrete block foundry. Over the past century the plant has evolved and has gained importance to the community in Quebec. This year, Bibby-Ste-Croix celebrates their industrial heritage as a premier manufacturer in Canada. The company employs over 400 team members who are responsible for the production of cast iron soil pipe and fittings used in plumbing systems across Canada. In addition, 80 team members are responsible for manufacturing street castings, manhole frames and covers, and municipal road castings.
“100 years is an extremely respectable age and one that not all companies have the chance to reach,” said Peter Crofton, Vice President and General Manager of Bibby-Ste-Croix.