Below are some of the frequently asked questions and answers regarding our Ductile iron pipe products. If you need more product information, or would like to speak to a specialist, please submit a request.

  • What is the difference between Thickness Class and Pressure Class Ductile Iron Pipe?

    The basic difference is a change in terminology in how Ductile Iron is classified under the specifications. The design and manufacturing requirements have not changed since 1976. The difference between the two is the thickness classes have no particular meaning, while the pressure classes define the actual working pressure of the pipe. This allows the end user to specify a pipe that meets the design requirements of a given pipeline. Ductile Iron is still the most conservatively designed pipe in the water works industry.

  • What is gauged pipe?

    All pipes are checked to insure that the spigot end, bell, and socket comply with requirements of AWWA C151/A21.51. Gauged pipe is pipe which has physically been checked to insure the entire length, to within 2 feet of the bell, falls below the maximum O.D. This allows for easier installation of fittings on this pipe. We mark this pipe with a green mark on the bell of the pipe. It is recommended that all pipes be checked in the field with an O.D. tape prior to cutting any pipe.

  • Are all Ductile Iron Pipe push-on joint gaskets interchangeable?

    No. There are two types of joint design for ductile iron, Tyton® and Fastite®. You should verify the manufacturer of the pipe and use gaskets provided by the manufacturer.

  • How much deflection is allowed for ductile iron per joint?

    The allowable defection varies from 2 to 5 degrees depending on the size and type of joint used. See our deflection charts for more information by clicking here.

  • Are small cracks in the cement lining normal?

    Yes. These cracks (sometimes resembling a spider web) are caused by the fact that iron and cement have different thermal expansion coefficients. As the temperature changes prior to installation these cracks can occur. These cracks are normal and are of little concern due to a process called autogenous healing. Simply stated, autogenous healing is the ability of cement to heal itself. In the presence of moisture, cement extrudes calcium hydroxide which, upon exposure to the atmosphere, is converted to calcium carbonate which seals the crack. These calcium carbonate crystals are formed when the carbon dioxide in the air and water carbonates the free calcium oxide in the cement and the calcium hydroxide liberated by the hydration of the tricalcium silicate of the cement.

  • How do you repair cement lining in Ductile Iron Pipe?

    Cement mortar lining can be repaired following the instructions in ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4 "Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water". To make the repair first the damaged lining needs to be removed to the metal leaving the edges perpendicular to the pipe wall. Second, prepare a stiff mortar that is one part cement to two parts sand. Third, trowel the mortar over the repair area so it is smooth with the existing lining. Fourth, keep the repaired area moist by applying seal coat over the repaired area.

  • When is it required to use Polyethylene encasement?

    In most soils Ductile Iron needs no additional corrosion protection. However, polyethylene encasement should be used when the soils on the project are determined to be corrosive to Ductile Iron Pipe using the ten point soil evaluation procedure. This procedure is included in the Appendix to ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5. For assistance with this procedure please contact your local sales representative or DIPRA.

  • How much pipe is a truckload quantity?

    The number of pipe per truckload varies depending on the size and class of pipe. See this helpful blog for more information.

  • When bronze wedges are used, how many are used per joint?

    When bronze wedges are specified you use 2 per joint on 3" through 12" pipe and 4 per joint on larger diameters. Each wedge is driven into the opening between the plain end and the bell until snug. When four wedges are used, they are inserted side by side, in pairs.

The Ditch Doctor



Dear Ditch Docter,

Now that I'm actually constructing this pipeline, I am being told that any pipe I cut must be "re-zinced" before assembly into a joint per the project specifications. This seems crazy to me, and I've never had to do it before. What should I do now?


Zinced Up in Zanesville

Dear Zinced,

The factory-applied zinc coating on the barrel exterior of Ductile iron pipe is applied by vaporizing zinc wire with a significant electric arc inside special machinery, so it becomes a permanently affixed portion of the non-flyable metal surface. There is no potential nor fear to be had of fluids or other corrosives migrating under the zinc at a cut end, as can be the case with most paints or some epoxies. The zinc coating itself is not a stand-alone corrosion prevention mechanism on DI pipe. It works best with appropriate polyethylene pipe encasement, like antibacterial ointment under a Band-Aid on your skin! There is no need to "re-zinc" or otherwise coat the vertical surface of the cut end as it becomes an "interior surface" in the joint, not subject to the corrosive mechanisms that might want to attack the outside of the pipe. So that you know, the inside surfaces of the bell section on DI pipes are not zinc-coated. Doing so could affect the dimensional needs of the joint, and there truly is no purpose to it, as, again, inside surfaces are coated with other special linings if a corrosive fluid service is anticipated. That's a whole different discussion we could have at another time. So, for your question here … cut and move on. No worries. But I must also tell you, in all sincerity and experience, the time to question or amend project specifications is BEFORE you begin installation, not DURING. Most authorities avoid discussing changes during the construction, and it is difficult to change their minds at that point. Talk first, cut second. Always a good plan.


The Ditch Doctor


Dear Ditch Docter,

The inspector on my current installation is raising a fit saying, "I still see the stripes … redo that pipe joint!" Is he right, or should I tell him that's not a problem?


Annoyed in Andalusia

Dear Annoyed,

Tiger stripes, zebra stripes, roadway stripes, candy stripes and even barcode stripes … all have a purpose, and each is different. The same goes for the stripes at the end of a Ductile iron pipe spigot. Tyton® joint pipe has two stripes around the barrel near the beveled spigot end as received from the factory. These indicate the portion of that pipe end that will be homed (inserted to the stripes) of the bell section of another DI pipe of the same diameter. They are circumferentially parallel to each other and approximately ½ inch apart. When the spigot is homed correctly, you'll hear the "thump" during assembly. The second stripe, the one furthest from the bell being inserted into, finishes in a position flush or thereabouts with the entry lip of the bell. Anything near that is fine. When you deflect a joint in any direction post-assembly, a portion of this same second stripe — and often the first stripe — will be exposed to the outside radius of the offset joint. Again, common by design. So, seeing at least one of the stripes when set straight in is like knowing a tiger by its stripe, which is perfectly normal. Truthfully, these spigot stripes are most useful as an "alignment gauge" BEFORE you push the pipe home. Simply compare the spigot stripes to the face of the bell it is entering as you set the spigot gently on the bell lip, and if they look like train tracks, parallel to each other from any direction you view them, PUSH the pipe home and get you your traditional THUMP of completion. "Over-homing" is NOT a concern with DI pipe. So yes, it is not a problem. It's a Ductile iron pipe design feature! And much less dangerous than encountering the stripes of a tiger in person!


The Ditch Doctor



Dear Ditch Docter,

I am designing an above-ground 2,270-foot pipeline project that uses Ductile iron pipe on numerous pier-type supports and along the underside of a bridge. While I've heard horror stories about the expansion and contraction concerns of some alternate thermoplastic pipe materials, what can I expect from Ductile iron pipe in such a situation?


Inquisitive in Iron Mountain

Dear Inquisitive,

What you can expect from Ductile iron pipe is STABLE SUCCESS FOR CENTURIES! Seriously. Regardless of variant temperatures bearing upon it, of all the common utility piping materials available today, Ductile iron is the least affected by temperature, inside or out. It remains strong from -40o F to 212o F and beyond. In terms of thermal expansion and contraction, the entirety of a 1,000-foot string of Ductile iron pipe exposed to a 10o F temperature change would shrink or grow only 0.75 inches overall. As-cast longitudinal restrained joints are usually required for aerial installations, and each joint can typically provide approximately 0.50 inches of expansion/contraction. With 50 to 55 such joints in a 1,000-foot DI pipe string, that equates to 25 inches of "play" available. Simply put, DI pipelines breathe along comfortably with most, if not all, ambient conditions. Another beautiful truth of Ductile iron pipe, given its superior strength, the "desire" to shrink or grow is generally muted by the pipes' physical strengths in that — let's say — it has already fully expanded (from internal pressure or other means prior). The material wants to expand slightly more due to the thermal effects described above … it just won't. The same goes for contraction. Trust me, that's just the nature of our beautiful beast known as DI. Let me know if this clears it up for you. If not, reach out at any time and be sure to cut out and save the helpful Bridge Crossing Checklist found on the reverse side of this page. Be sure to check out this helpful tip sheet about bridge installation:


The Ditch Doctor


Dear Ditch Docter,

We recently installed about 3,000 feet of 24-inch Ductile iron pipe here in New Jersey, with restrained joints where the engineered plans indicated. We filled it with water and pumped it to the 150-psi test requirement. Then it lost a bunch of pressure, about 30 psi, and took nearly 40 gallons of water to get back to 150 psi. The question is, where did all that water go?


Worried in Woodbridge

Dear Worried,

What you describe is not uncommon. Nothing to worry about … yet. You see, buried pipelines can routinely expand slightly in length when first pressurized as they settle into their home within the trench. With some basic math, you can "see" where "all that water" went. The answer is NOWHERE. You simply created more (overall) pipe length with the initial pressurization. Each lineal foot of 24-inch DI pipe contains 25 gallons of water. Even with fittings in your 3,000-foot pipeline, at least 150 pushon joints are likely involved. If each of these push-on joints were to expand just one-eighth of an inch, which can occur even in consolidated trenches, that equates to (0.125 x 150) 18.75 inches (1.56 feet) of "new pipe volume" created by the push of the initial pressurization, which equals 39 gallons of "space." This minor "setting into its surrounds" and minor growth of the pipeline occurs slower than pumping to a designated pressure, which is why it seems to you above ground that something adverse is happening to the pipe. If the pipeline drops below adjacent static pressure or near 0-psi, we could now say, "Yup, you've got a leak." Pump to desired pressure again, or even a third time, to gauge whether the recovery volume decreases or worsens. That will be a better read of what is going on below ground. If it persists, contact your pipe supplier immediately for support and guidance. Oh, by the way, I haven't even mentioned that on the initial fill, the standard cement lining slowly absorbs some of the water volume you used to fill it. That's another thing that can cause questions on the first fill, just so you know. Be sure to check out this helpful tip sheet on preparing for a hydrostatic pressure test:


The Ditch Doctor

FALL 2023


Dear Ditch Docter,

Winter weather is upon us, and I thought we had taken some precautions regarding accessories and cold weather. My buddy Joseph mentioned heating the gaskets with a blow torch, and I'm not so sure about that. Do you have any good recommendations for warming up our gaskets besides reminding me to have a jacket under the back seat of the truck, which I unfortunately forgot today?


Blown by the Weather in Waukesha

Dear Blown By The Weather,

Sorry to hear you forgot a jacket. Hopefully, you can warm up with a hot cup of coffee. It always makes my day better. I am also glad you are thinking about winter. You're on the right track there. Proper storage of accessories is essential all year round, and some additional recommendations for cold weather months exist. I’m glad you have reservations about using a blow torch to heat gaskets. Gaskets should be stored in a warm, dry place, and heating the gaskets just before installation is definitely a good idea, but not with a blow torch! Placing the gaskets in a heated truck cab or heated job site trailer is best. One unique idea I've seen is a crew that placed a heater in a toolbox and mounted the toolbox on the side of the trench box. Rather ingenious. Pipe lube should be stored in the same manner as the gaskets. Pipe lube supplied by your pipe supplier can be used in subfreezing temperatures but should not be allowed to freeze. Reviewing the product's installation guide and MSDS is also a good recommendation. Go to the Learning Center tab for Installation Guides and Downloadable Tip Sheets Like Gasket Storage Tip Sheet:

Sincerely, The Ditch Doctor


Dear Ditch Docter,

My crew is telling me they ran out of the pipe lube that came with the pipe. I'm unsure how we ran out of lube on the third day of a 2,000-foot project, but that is a separate issue. I’m considering my options here. Option 1 is we have some lube left over from an old project. Option 2 is to purchase some pipe lube nearby, or option 3 is to use my operator’s suggestion to get some cooking oil from the local grocery like he did back in the 90s. We've really got to get some pipe installed so we can get to the football game on Saturday Priorities, right?


Lost Without Lube in Loveland

Dear Lost Without Lube,

I feel ya, bro. I can't wait for some Saturday afternoon football myself. I've been working hard all week and will be ready to relax! To address your first issue, which isn't the point of your inquiry but should be noted, the person who received and signed for the materials at your job site should have verified that ALL materials were received and properly staged for the project. That would have eliminated the root cause of your lack of lube. In response to your three suggestions, none of which are exceptionally good, here's what the Ditch Doctor would recommend: If considering using older lube, you must determine the brand, the age of the lube and how well it has been stored. Is it the brand recommended by the pipe supplier? If you can’t verify this, don’t use it. Does the lube look separated, oily, puttied, or hard from old age or poor storage? If so, chuck it! Purchasing lube from a local distributor is a better option than using old lube, but a word of caution: There are pipe lubes out there that work very well with the product it was intended for, but not for others — and cooking oil? Seriously? This is definitely a bad idea as seemingly safe, slippery stuff such as Crisco, Vaseline and common greases often contain ingredients harmful to rubber, such as petrolatums. So, what does this boil down to? Using the pipe lube the pipe supplier provides is always the best option. Who wants to have difficulty passing a hydrostatic test due to using unproven accessories? McWane Ductile ships pipe lubricant with every load of pipe. Currently, lubricants approved by McWane Ductile include Phoenix XL-27 and Black Swan. These products have been thoroughly tested for their effectiveness in our Universal Test Facility located in Ohio. If you are in dire need, contact your local McWane Ductile representative, and let’s work together to expedite the resolution of your situation. Then we'll all go watch some football!


The Ditch Docter



Dear Ditch Doctor,

I have a question about combining Tyton Joint® Ductile iron pipe and TR Flex® pipe. At some point in the pipeline we are constructing, it is no longer required to be restrained. Can a regular plain end piece of DI pipe go into that restrained type bell without being an issue or creating concerns?

Sincerely,  Wondering in Wichita

Dear Wondering,

It appears you’re asking if a plain Tyton spigot (no weld bead on it) can be used reliably in a TR Flex bell. That answer is simply and reliably “YES.” Just push the pipe fully home until the spigot bottoms out against the shoulder in the rear of the bell. Both spigot stripes will disappear well into the as-cast extended TR Flex bell cavity, and that’s OK. The rubber-gasketed joint within is just as watertight as any other Tyton Joint assembly. No concerns there; it just is not “restrained.”

Simply put, the back half of a TR Flex bell is merely a fully conformant Tyton joint bell cavity. The front half of a TR Flex bell contains the restraining segments, in their dedicated channel, against the welded bead of a fabricated TR Flex spigot. No segments used = no restraint provided. While the bell is cast as a one-piece unit, the front and back sections operate independently, serving individual purposes. Watertight in the back, restraint in the front … it’s basically the MULLET of PIPE!! Sincerely, The Ditch Doctor


Dear Ditch Doctor,

We had a bunch of Ductile iron pipes delivered last summer to a project here in Montana. The project got delayed, and  now that the snow which once buried it onsite has melted,  the inspector has rejected using this pipe because “it’s too rusty now.” Thoughts? Help? Suggestions? Sincerely, Bemused in Bozeman

Dear Bemused,

Here’s the first truth about Ductile iron pipes … they don’t rust; they oxidize. Rust is a structural issue; oxidation is cosmetic only. Ductile iron pipes actually begin to oxidize during production. This oxide layer remains microscopically thin on all pipe surfaces and reliably protects the underlying metal wall from further degradation. Now, this innate protective layer will not stall any actively corrosive environment the pipe might be placed in; other simple protections are available to do that. Yet certainly, snow ... especially your clean mountain variety, is not corrosive to Ductile iron pipe or fittings. The “melt” might reveal more of the oxidation than you saw before (as it can dilute the waterbased asphaltic sealcoat on the pipe), yet there is no cause for concern or need to address or replace the pipe condition. Ductile is sturdy. Ductile is resilient. Ductile is “the pickup truck of pipe”… tiny dings and scratches do not diminish its value, fitness for service, designed lifetime or warrantability. In four simple words, much ado about nothing!!

Sincerely, The Ditch Doctor



Dear Ditch Doctor,

As a design engineer for various utility systems, I have recently investigated all the restrained joint options involving Ductile iron pipe for a critical infrastructure project upcoming. Clearly, Ductile iron is a sturdy and reliable product suitable for a wide range of common to strenuous applications. I have one question, though … Are there any conditions or installations where the steel-segmented locking gaskets should NOT be used, and why?

Sincerely,  Wondering Here in Wickenburg

Dear Wondering,

While regardless of brand, the locking gaskets you have inquired about are designed and proven to be a standard condition performative equal to their full-fledged integral cast restrained joint counterparts, such as TR Flex®. And while these gaskets serve wonderfully for the impressive internal pressure ratings and external load handling capabilities of Ductile iron pipe, there is one general caveat to heed. These steel-segmented locking gaskets should not be used in above-ground installations where excessive or repetitive vibrations are likely to occur over time. While there is little, if any, evidence of joint separation ever occurring, the theory is that such oscillation forces could adversely affect the engagement of the locking segments into the pipe surface.

These gaskets are also not recommended for areas of unseen potential adverse engagements, such as in horizontal directional drilling installations. Pulled through a relatively flat casing is fine, but not for severely deflected, relatively uncontrolled dragging through a radius. As for the actual assembly of locking gaskets, I would suggest your on-site inspectors and the contractors themselves take a gander at the proper assembly techniques outlined in a recent YouTube video from a pipe manufacturer … just search “Install Sure Stop gaskets” and follow along for success every time! Also check out this tip sheet about gasket storage: 

Sincerely, The Ditch Doctor


Dear Ditch Doctor,

In upstate New York, we deal with all kinds of crazy and changing weather conditions, especially in the winter months. For reasons unknown to us, the local authorities have recently imposed new restrictions on when we can or cannot install pipe. It's become quite frustrating in terms of meaningful production being accomplished! I keep trying to tell them,  "This is Ductile iron. It's not bothered by any temperature or weather that we humans live through every day, year-round!"  Am I wrong here?

Thanks,  Upset in Uptonville 

You are NOT wrong, not at all. In fact, you nailed it with your succinct and sharp retort. Unlike most other alternate pipe materials in our industry, where their concerns probably developed, Ductile iron is NOT affected in any meaningful way by temperatures that we commonly encounter on earth. Ductile iron remains stable and strong from minus 40°F to well beyond the boiling point of water, 212°F. Exceptions from standard cement-lined pipe to accommodate temperature limitations of the asphaltic paint (typically applied or specialized epoxy linings, both restricted to 125°F in-service) or other items such as rubber-compound gaskets that top out near 300°F. Other materials are often structurally weakened by temperatures far less extreme.

When I tell you that the melting point of Ductile iron is 2,100°F, suddenly, the desire to laugh begins about the concerns raised by others! A tremendous amount of helpful information is available online by searching "Cold Weather" on the McWane Ductile website at

Sincerely, The Ditch Doctor

FALL 2022


Dear Ditch Doctor,

I read a previous “Ditch Doctor” and now understand that Resistivity generally has more influence on corrosion than pH levels. Clyde says the definition of resistivity is one pipe is more “resistive” to corrosion than another. This sounds good, but I’m not convinced Clyde is 100% accurate, although Clyde does know the quickest route to the local sub-shop.


Rita from Rialto

Well, Rita, sounds like Clyde is good at picking up lunch. Regarding corrosion, not so much. Resistivity is not defined as the ability of a metal or iron to “resist” corrosion. Resistivity is defined as a measure of the resisting power of a specified material to the flow of electric current.  All metal pipe materials possess a certain amount of current. Extremely small, but present. That said, resistivity is defined in this case as the ease with which the current may flow or travel from the metallic product through the soil. A soil resistivity of <500 ohm-cm is considered a corrosive environment, and steps should be taken to mitigate corrosion which in many cases involves the installation of polyethylene encasement.


Ditch Doctor


Dear Ditch Doctor,

We are installing restrain gaskets in our Tyton® joints when restraint is required. My operator is telling me that “wiggling” the pipe when he is pushing/homing the pipe is the best way to install the pipe.  Sounds like some dance from the ’60s.  This wiggling has me wondering and wobbling about.

Whoooo, help please. 

Walter from Winnemucca


I was too young to remember a wiggle dance from the 60s.  I do, however, possess extensive installation knowledge. I can assure you that your operator’s wiggle dance will eventually (if not already) cause an issue for YOU. When installing a restrain gasket in our Tyton® joint pipe, the pipe must be in straight alignment with the existing pipe using a straightforward push from the bell end to home the pipe. 

Wiggling the pipe during insertion will increase the potential to snag a tooth and damage the gasket.  This is not a difficult process but one that must be done properly. McWane Ductile places handy installation tip sheets in each bag of Sure Stop 350® gaskets. This information is also available on our website @, keywords – SURE STOP. To ensure you’re no longer wondering and wobbling about, I’ll even provide jobsite training which also includes a free McWane Ductile feeler gauge used to verify proper installation if you prefer. Just no dance lessons, please! Also check out this tip sheet about sure stop installation:


         Ditch Doctor



Dear Ditch Doctor,

 I’ve been having an ongoing “discussion” with both the onsite project inspector and my pipe crew. We are trying to establish a simple and reliable way of determining in the trench when the post-assembly deflection of a joint has reached the maximum recommended amount. It’s almost impossible to physically “measure” the amount applied, given the ever-changing geometry of a trench. We, of course, want to follow all guidelines and avoid creating any deficiencies in the finished pipeline, but this never-ending debate on deflection is becoming quite aggravating. Please, if you have any suggestions, share them with us!


Living Within Limits in Laconia

Dear Living Within,

Through the years, I’ve heard of and seen many different attempts to solve your concern in the field, and here is the best and most reliable suggestion I can offer, with no “measuring” needed! Regardless of pipe diameter and joint configuration, restrained or not, when the pipe you just assembled and are now shifting in any direction begins to move the pipe it is inserted to…you’ve reached maximum recommended deflection. This indicates that the first opportunity for metal-to-metal contact within the body of the joint has been met. It’s OK for that first joint away from you to actually move a tiny bit in the trench, Ductile iron pipe is incredibly strong and resilient. You would need to place excessive force on the pipe past this initial point of “contact movement” to affect the joint adversely. And by that, I mean purposely using a good portion of the excavators’ hydraulic capacity. Don’t do that, and all will be just fine!


The Ditch Doctor.


Dear Ditch Doctor,

 We have an upcoming pipeline project where it is very possible to encounter some polluted soils, mainly areas where old gas stations were demolished years ago. We are concerned that contaminants could somehow infiltrate the new waterline over time. Is there a way to reliably prevent this?


Worried in Walla Walla

Dear Worried,

 No need to worry if you use Ductile iron pipe and the appropriate gaskets! Unlike some alternate materials available in the utility marketplace, Ductile iron pipe is impermeable to exterior pollutants typical to contaminated soils, including hydrocarbons. The gasketed joint resists up to 430-psi of external fluid pressure in all circumstances, so infiltrating the pipeline would require damage or destruction of the rubber gasket itself to occur from said potential pollutants. Fortunately, the Ductile iron industry has extensively researched and made available a wide array of specialized rubber compounds for decades for one to select as the gasket material. From seawater to dilute acids or alkalis, oils, hydrocarbons, chemicals, refined petroleum, solvents, and even aromatic hydrocarbons; we’ve got a compound to cover you! Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) is the default gasket material provided with Ductile iron pipe and fittings, with Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM), Nitrile (NBR), Neoprene (CR), and Fluorocarbon (Viton) gaskets rounding out the advanced gasket options. If or when the surrounding soils or the contaminants they may contain could be deemed corrosive, there are proven exterior protection options available as well, from enhanced polyethylene film encasement (V-Bio®) to specialized exterior coatings designed specifically for Ductile iron pipe. You can Google “DIPRA gasket options” for more detail.


The Ditch Doctor

FALL 2021


Dear Ditch Doctor,

Out here in the western United States we wind up with a lot of pipelines installed up or down serious hills, dare I say mountains as well? We are good at the construction part, yet time after time we struggle with getting a satisfactory post-installation hydrostatic test on the pipeline, especially with inclined installations. Often the pipeline drops anywhere from 20 to 50-psi on the gauge and can do that several times or more until we take some sort of drastic re-do/re-start on the test procedures. 

Rarely is there ever a true leak involved, we just seem to “battle the gauge” with repetitive pumping, draining, refilling, blow-offs, and other stuff until somehow wham, it passes! Often the pipeline drops anywhere from 20 to 50-psi, far more than the 5-psi allowed by the AWWA standards, so we never even get the opportunity to check for “recovery allowance”, i.e. part 2 of the AWWA hydrotest. Is there a TRICK I’m missing, or is just that TREATS don’t exist in this line of work?


Harried Halloween in Hayden, CO

Dear Harried,

Glad to hear of your experienced confidence in constructing things! Let me try to help you with things your suffering past that. First rule of success in hydrostatic testing of Ductile iron pipelines is operating in strict adherence to a few basic rules: (1) Fill from the lowest point, bleed air from the highest point. Not the “close to” each, but at each location. (2) Fill slow, and let it blow. Filling too fast (turbulent flow) or not having an appropriately sized air-release mechanism at the high end virtually guarantees you will trap air pockets within the pipeline, even if it’s laid “flat and straight.” (3) Never fill from the high side. That is a guaranteed air-trapping invite, and often creates hardships far beyond the norm that we’d have to cover in a different discussion. (4) Losing more than 5-psi is not the end of it all. While this would disqualify you from “passing the test,” it likewise alone offers you no insight as to what’s really going on. For that you need to go “diagnostic,” and there’s an easy way to do that. A simple Google search for “McWane Double Bump” will put you on the right path. You’ll even find a handy tip sheet and data tracking form there.

 Lastly, and certainly on all inclined installations, it is wildly helpful to place a pressure gauge at both the low point (from where you’re pumping) and the high point (where you’re blowing air out of the pipeline). Doing so, and knowing the relationship of a water column vs. pressure created (0.433-psi per vertical foot of water), you can compare the pressure values top and bottom to gauge if the pipeline is hydraulically tight despite the pressure drop experienced.

 Much like a balloon will not stay inflated if it has even a microscopic pinhole, or a thermometer won’t stay red if there’s a hole in the tube, a pipeline with a true leak – especially an inclined one – will typically drop to zero pressure in as short a period as an overnight sit. If it stays at let’s say 64-psi overnight, then at least we know there’s no need to check for leaks below an elevation of 148 feet above the lower gauge’s location. That part is leak-free, i.e. the red part of a thermometer doesn’t lie! So, there’s a few TRICKY TREATS to help you through, reliable and proven, just like Ductile iron is made to be! Be sure to check out this helpful tip sheet about hydrostatic pressure testing: 


 The Ditch Doctor