Young Water Professionals - A Guide to Success
02/14/2025 In Career ResourcesAs a junior and senior in college, I spent a lot of time asking those I looked up to in the workforce, such as my parents, friend's parents, and professors, what I should expect from my professional career. Majoring as a mechanical engineer, I was worried I would be required to remember and be fresh on every equation or theory in thermodynamics, materials science, and all my other brain-twisting courses. Luckily, the water industry found me, and it came paired with quite a few resources to help me excel as a young professional.
Spotlighting Women in The Water Works Industry
03/08/2024 In Industry Our CompanyDid you know that fewer than 1 in 5 professionals in the water industry are women? 1 In all Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields, women only account for 26% of the total representation.2 As a female, I entered the water and wastewater industry with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tennessee Tech University. With the data points listed above, it would be safe to assume my college classes were primarily male-filled, and in my current role as a sales representative for McWane Ductile, many offices I visit follow that trend as well. Being a woman of STEM in the water industry, these statistics did not necessarily surprise me. However, in my short time in the business, I've noticed that the women representing water and wastewater are strong role models who continue empowering other women to join and become active industry members. This inspired me to speak to three women who stand out as leaders in waterworks and gather insight into their various roles and experiences in bringing clean water to their communities.
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