What Is VPP STAR Status and Why Does It Matter?
07/30/2024 In Environmental & Safety Our Company"Do it safely or not at all." That is the McWane Way. At McWane Ductile, we are committed to providing a safe work environment for our employees. In this #IronStrong Blog, we will discuss the OHSA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP), what it is, and why it is important to employers, employees, and you.
Ceramic-Enhanced Epoxy vs Glass Lining in Ductile Iron Pipe: What Are They & When Should They Be Considered?
09/22/2023 In Comparison Products TechnicalHave you ever been asked what lining or coating your Ductile iron pipe material needs to have? Does all pipe in a water or sewer application system need some protective measure to keep the service life of the pipe constant? Ductile iron has been a reliable material for transporting water and wastewater nationwide for many years. Many variations of linings and coating have developed over time, but ceramic-enhanced epoxy and/or (porcelain enamel) glass linings have become the typically specified options. The remainder of this #IronStrong Blog compares these two protective lining options.
What Trenching and Excavation Guidelines are Important when Installing Ductile Iron Pipe?
01/07/2022 In Environmental & Safety InstallationHave you ever been asked what size trench is needed when installing Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe)? How safe are the working conditions within a trench? Knowing the proper trench to utilize during the installation of the material will help save time, effort, and money on any job site. But most importantly, this knowledge will help keep everyone safe within and around the trench. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has gone to great lengths to define and identify any threats in the trenching and excavation safety when installing DI pipe. This Iron Strong Blog will share and explain the different trenches available while outlining the safety considerations required when excavating earthen material.
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