What Is VPP STAR Status and Why Does It Matter?
07/30/2024 In Environmental & Safety Our Company"Do it safely or not at all." That is the McWane Way. At McWane Ductile, we are committed to providing a safe work environment for our employees. In this #IronStrong Blog, we will discuss the OHSA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP), what it is, and why it is important to employers, employees, and you.
Why Consider A Domestic Only Ductile Iron Pipe Specification?
07/02/2023 In Environmental & Safety Products ServicesOver the years, products manufactured in our country have continually provided us with resources to enhance our quality of life. One key component in this regard is the diligence we have seen from various entities to ensure products are manufactured properly, safely, and in a manner that protects the environment and sustains economic viability. In this Iron Strong Blog, initially published in January 2021 and now updated to reflect today's climate, we will discuss why to consider a domestic onlyDuctile iron pipe (DI pipe) specification.
Why Do Pipe Foundries Have Seasonal Shut Downs?
06/22/2023 In Environmental & Safety Our Company TechnicalCustomers will, at times, ask why manufacturing facilities are shut down. Let's face it; we live in an "I want the product, and I want it NOW world," and no one wants to hear about a shutdown. The following #IronStrong blog covers what occurs during a shutdown at McWane Ductile foundries and the main reason for the shutdown, which is ultimately "YOU," the customer.
What is the McWane Ergo Cup?
01/31/2023 In Environmental & Safety Our CompanyErgonomics is an applied science concerned with designing and arranging objects people use so that people and things interact most efficiently and safely. Reducing the risk of injury through proactive programs is one of the many ways we do our best to improve the ergonomics of the ways we make our products. At McWane Ductile and McWane corporate-wide, health, and safety are the top priority, hence the Ergo Cup.
Acknowledging Our Hidden Responders
09/29/2022 In Environmental & Safety ServicesSummer has come to an end. Schools are in session, fall sports are well underway, and we look forward to the coming cooler days filled with fall festivities. Unfortunately, some days are also filled with wildfires, hurricanes, flooding, and other disasters in some regions of the country. Luckily, we have an extraordinary group of emergency professionals that respond to these various disasters, referred to as “first responders.” First responders have been a prominent topic in the news lately, especially with Hurricane Ian bearing down on the state of Florida and projected to turn over the eastern coast of the US as we speak.
What Trenching and Excavation Guidelines are Important when Installing Ductile Iron Pipe?
01/07/2022 In Environmental & Safety InstallationHave you ever been asked what size trench is needed when installing Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe)? How safe are the working conditions within a trench? Knowing the proper trench to utilize during the installation of the material will help save time, effort, and money on any job site. But most importantly, this knowledge will help keep everyone safe within and around the trench. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has gone to great lengths to define and identify any threats in the trenching and excavation safety when installing DI pipe. This Iron Strong Blog will share and explain the different trenches available while outlining the safety considerations required when excavating earthen material.
The Smoking Gun: Thermal Degradation of Plastic Pipes Linked to Drinking Water Contamination
07/30/2021 In Environmental & Safety ProductsAs of October 2020, more than 47,000 wildfires have occurred across 36 U.S. states. Drought is a major factor, as a large portion of the West is currently experiencing the most severe level of drought, dubbed “exceptional drought” by the U.S. Drought Monitor. Humans cause the majority of wildfires with negligence such as unattended campfires, discarded cigarettes or arson, followed by natural causes such as unusually long-lasting hot lightning bolts. (U.S. Drought Monitor, 2012)
What is the P2C Challenge? Preventing Pollution Before It Begins
06/04/2021 In Environmental & Safety Our CompanyJune 5 is World Environment Day sponsored by the United Nations. This observance is celebrated every year and aims to engage governments, businesses, and citizens to address pressing environmental issues. So, I felt it timely to discuss how McWane Inc. and its family of companies worldwide are committed to protecting the environment through proactive efforts and challenging employees to think outside the box.
The Challenge of COVID-19 to the Water Utility Manager — Past, Present, and Future
04/28/2021 In Environmental & SafetyDuring the decades in which I have managed large and small water utilities throughout the country, I have experienced several challenging scenarios. Whether it was a major oil spill in the river that provided our raw water supply, a winter with sub-zero temperatures and no snow cover where small water mains were frozen solid in the ground, or the total transitioning from a groundwater source to a surface water source with all the different treatment methodology involved, I had never considered the terminology “the new normal.”
What Does Earth Day Mean to You as a Water Professional?
04/22/2021 In Environmental & Safety ProductsCelebrating Earth Day reminds us of the glorious surroundings we are provided with, bringing joy and happiness to our everyday lives. A variety of topographies span from rivers and streams to mountains and valleys. Even deserts and dry climate regions provide some of the most picturesque landscapes known to man. Earth Day is conveniently celebrated in the spring when flowers and trees burst with bountiful flowers and blooms. New life abounds as animals give birth to a new generation. A simple family picnic on a manicured lawn or trip down a mountain on a bike are just a couple of examples of pleasures we can enjoy.
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