Why Consider A Domestic Only Ductile Iron Pipe Specification?
07/02/2023 In Environmental & Safety Products ServicesOver the years, products manufactured in our country have continually provided us with resources to enhance our quality of life. One key component in this regard is the diligence we have seen from various entities to ensure products are manufactured properly, safely, and in a manner that protects the environment and sustains economic viability. In this Iron Strong Blog, initially published in January 2021 and now updated to reflect today's climate, we will discuss why to consider a domestic onlyDuctile iron pipe (DI pipe) specification.
Busting the Myth on Ductile Iron Pipe Lead Times
03/23/2023 In Products ServicesUnfortunately, the waterworks and water utility industry were not spared from the shortages of finished products essential to maintaining and expanding drinking water systems nationwide. This Iron Strong Blog will discuss McWane Ductile’s present delivery window to the waterworks community and will correct myths and misconceptions that our Ductile iron pipe products are currently unattainable.
Acknowledging Our Hidden Responders
09/29/2022 In Environmental & Safety ServicesSummer has come to an end. Schools are in session, fall sports are well underway, and we look forward to the coming cooler days filled with fall festivities. Unfortunately, some days are also filled with wildfires, hurricanes, flooding, and other disasters in some regions of the country. Luckily, we have an extraordinary group of emergency professionals that respond to these various disasters, referred to as “first responders.” First responders have been a prominent topic in the news lately, especially with Hurricane Ian bearing down on the state of Florida and projected to turn over the eastern coast of the US as we speak.
The Iowa Treated Water Pipeline Project: Providing Growth with Safe, Clean Water
11/09/2021 In Installation ServicesShallow aquifers prone to contamination, compliance with federal drinking water standards, and insufficient resources to replace aging infrastructure. These are some of the water issues that launched the creation of the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System and the construction of the Iowa Treated Water Pipeline – Segment 3.
How to Minimize Jobsite Issues During a Pipeline Installation Project
08/20/2021 In Installation ServicesThe goal for every pipeline project is to install the pipe and related appurtenances successfully within the timeframe and budget that the contractor bid the project. Sometimes, however, issues arise that may cause potential delays. These delays can cost time and money. The good news is there are ways to help minimize these occurrences with proper training and product understanding. In this Iron Strong Blog, we will discuss how a project can get off to a good start and lead to a successful installation.
What Training Resources Does McWane Ductile Provide?
08/09/2021 In Our Company ServicesAt McWane Ductile, we believe that training and continuous education for our staff and customers are vital to a company's success. Because of this, we offer a wide variety of training opportunities for water professionals throughout the industry. Here are the many training resources available to you.
What Does National Get to Know Your Customer Day Mean?
07/15/2021 In Our Company ServicesWhat is National Get to Know Your Customer Day? This day is observed annually on the third Thursday of each quarter (January, April, July, October). With so much business being conducted electronically, personal attention to customers can go by the wayside. Get to Know Your Customer Day is a fitting opportunity to turn that around, making a point of learning a little more about your customers. The better you know and understand your customer, the better you can serve them and their needs.
Ductile Iron Pipe Weights - An Expanded Explanation
04/16/2021 In Products Services TechnicalThis article takes a deeper dive into concepts outlined in the July 2020 entry prepared by my co-worker Gary Gula, How Much Does Ductile Iron Pipe Weigh and Why Does It Matter to You? Specifically, we will focus on the pipe weight itself, answering questions such as: From where do these weights originate? Why do we show weights on each pipe? How trustworthy are these weights as provided? And, What do these weights mean to me, the pipe customer?
Can McWane Ductile Provide Lay Schedules and Line Drawings?
12/22/2020 In Our Company Services TechnicalWhether you are assembling a toy, playing a game, or installing a waterline…where do you go when you're unsure what to do next?
Read the instructions!
CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT: Teamwork Makes the Water Work for BWRPWA
11/25/2020 In Our Company ServicesAlthough McWane Ductile loves highlighting major waterworks projects, sometimes it is seeing water professionals work together to solve a utility's problem that deserves recognition. Our valued partners at Northwest Arkansas Winwater called us on Monday, April 27, 2020, with a customer in need — Benton Washington Regional Public Water Authority (BWRPWA).
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